Howdy! Thanks for checking out my website and my blog. I'll posting updates about photos I take, work I do, and my travels.
The above picture was captured on the first roll of film I shot with my Olympus 35RC –a camera that has since been a mainstay in my everyday bag. It was given to me by my friend Caleb before he left on a three-month backpacking trip across Asia. He complained of a light leak which I've found to be totally manageable, but I believe he gave it to me as a sort of consolation for me not being able to join in the fun. When he gave it to me he said, "I think it spent some time at the bottom of a lake." Though it might not be as cool as traversing a continent, I've managed to capture some of my favorite images on it. So, thanks Caleb!
Do you have a camera with a fun story? Tell me about it in the comments!
Also, I'm interested in knowing what sort of photos you want to see. Tell me a subject or technique you'd like to see me attempt and maybe I'll take the challenge!
in Pic Stories